Have You Seen These Shoes?

Seriously, have you seen these shoes anywhere? I bought them several years ago at a Nike factory outlet. Oh the memories - I still remember that historic day. I walked in to the store having successfuly found a great pair of cheap and unique shoes there just about a year ago. My hopes were high as I meandered my way towards my shoe size. "What will I find this year?" I eagerly thought. "What will I buy, at a reasonable price, to keep my feet cozy." Lost in thoughts of my cool, new kicks, I didn't notice the shoe box sitting in the middle of the aisle. My feet knocked into it and I stumbled, lost my balance and screamed liked a little girl as tumbled, face first into the floor. I looked back and finally saw the box that had just tripped me up. Angry at first, I yelled a few choice words at the box, and then suddenly it hit me: "This is it. These are my shoes. It's destiny." I am not one to believe in things like "destiny" and "fate," but when you accidentally trip over a box, you just can't question its meaning.
So I slid closer to the box, closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I carefully took the lid off, faced down and opened up my eyes to see the shoes that were made specifically for me. "OH MY GOD! IT'S AN ELEPHANTS FOOT! SOMEONE CUT OFF A LITTLE ELEPHANT'S FOOT AND PUT IT IN THIS SHOE BOX. OH MY GOD THAT IS THE WOR...oh wait, nevermind. It's just gray shoes." And what a pair of gray shoes they were.
They fit like a glove, only a glove that you put on your feet and that has laces and doesn't have a hole for each finger. And as I walked around, I discovered that they had a surprising amount of cushion hidden away. Like walking on a cloud really, only a cloud that offers support to my feet while absorbing each step. It was as if these shoes had been manufactured by the finest tailor specifically for my feet, only the finest tailor was actually an underpaid and overworked child in Indonesia that is mass producing the shoes for the general public. Yes, absolute perfection.
I wore them proudly and comfortably well through the senior year of college and I continued to love them. Two friends hated them and thought these sneakers were the ugliest things they had ever seen. One called them "Astronaut Shoes" and the other called them "Elephant Shoes." None of my other friends seemed to care one way or another. And I wouldn't have changed my mind even if they did. All that mattered is that I knew these were the greatest shoes ever created and they made me happy.
But like any pair of shoes, their time had to come to an end. About a year ago the heel started to wear thin and I had to set these aside for another shoe. And as time went on, my memories started to fade. Shoes and sneakers came and went and life moved on. That was until Tuesday. Oh glorious Tuesday! On Tuesday, my mom pulled out the "ugly gray sneakers" for me to wear home. And as I slid the shoes on one more time, all the wonderful moments we spent together came rushing back into my head.
Right then, I decided I had to find a new pair of these shoes. I realized I would never be completely happy again unless a new pair of these kicks were re-introduced into my life.
So have you seen these shoes? Because I have not. Not since the day I bought them have these shoes ever reappeared. Maybe lightning only strikes once, maybe fate is a one hit wonder. Or maybe not. Maybe, just maybe, you have seen these shoes recently, or you will see these shoes someday. If you do, buy them for me (size 9.5; whatever color is available), whatever the cost (I will reimburse you). I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life (or until I pay you back for the cost of the shoes plus a little extra for your troubles. At that point we will be even) and I will once again feel like a whole person. These shoes will be my missing puzzle piece, my lost sock that is now found, the $20 bill that surprises you in your pocket. Please, help my wandering and lost soul find its way home -
help me find these shoes
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