Sunday, April 13, 2003

Clearly Kristen was wrong about her poor use of toilet paper. For whatever reason, she still feels the need to defend herself. In the interest of being the ever so kind and fair boyfriend that I am, her side of the story is below.

Kristen Tells Her Story
It's true. I did put the empty toilet paper roll back on the designated spot without checking if we had another roll. However, while I was in the wrong to the common observer, I feel you were grossly unjustified in blaming me without hearing my side of the story.

The main factor in my defense is that I used the last of the toilet paper around 2'o'clock in the morning. While some people may be chipper and coherent at 2am (after happily dreaming for 3 hours) I am not. I was proud of myself for finding my way back into the bed. I'm not sure if I really opened my eyes fully enough to see that the paper was gone, let alone venture to the closet to see if there were more rolls.

Secondly, I do not use an excessive amount of toilet paper. This means that at some point during the previous day you probably noticed that the roll was becoming ominously thin. As a preventative measure you could have checked the closet and put out a new roll. Especially since you had already noticed that we were low (proven in your amusing anecdote about checking the sales).

I realize that some people may argue that my second argument is flawed, as I could have done the same. However, I am a very right-brained person and have little patience or aptitude for such trivial details as maintaining bathroom order. I prefer to imagine the forms your pile of pajamas in the corner of the bathroom could take on, or find the patterns all of your little hairs [on the floor] make.

So, while I acknowledge that I could have prevented your trip to Giant this morning, I don't feel I am entirely to blame. And as far as the ice cream- it was excellent and appreciated. I found it this morning before work, and had a few spoonfuls for breakfast.


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