Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Size of My Queue

My Netflix queue is long. About 115 movies, and that's only after someone pointed out its length and I deleted about 30 movies I didn't really want to watch anymore.

But this worries me. Is a long Netflix queue the 27 year old equivalent to a 45 year old, short bald guy buying a convertible Ferrari? Am I trying to make up for inadequacies elsewhere by having an impressively sized queue?

Regardless of the size, it's really how you use it, right ladies? And trust me, I know how to handle my queue: I've got seasons 1, 2 and 2.5 of Battlestar Galactica in there. Season 1 of The Wire. Classics like Dog Day Afternoon and MASH. Both Bob Dylan's and Alice in Chains' MTV Unplugged. Documentaries like Hoop Dreams and Murderball. Baby, I've even got all six discs of Thundercats season 1 in there! "Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats, ho!," indeed.

Yes, that's right. Are you impressed yet?

On second thought, if you've got it you might as well flaunt it. So please excuse me while I drive my queue around town with the top down. And feel free to stare; you won't be the only one.


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