Friday, May 19, 2006

Drive-by 'Glorious Ass'-ing

I may not workout as much as I should, I may be balding and I may be developing a gut that I want to get rid of. But I'm not gonna lie — I've always had a decent to slightly above average ass. You can't bounce quarters off this thing (though maybe a penny, or dimes are pretty light) but it's perky and...anyway, it's not bad and I'm not afraid to admit it. But the niceness of my ass has never really been independently confirmed. At least not until tonight.

While walking home down Q Street in the Georgetown area a car pulled up next to me. I looked over and saw a girl pop her head out of the passenger window, look at me and shout, "glorious ass!" And just as quickly, the car drove off. I was startled at first and the only thing I could think to shout back in reply was, "Thank you!" (I may be egotistical about my ass, but I still have manners!)

But what else am I supposed to say or do in that situation? Should I have complimented them back? ("Nice lips!" "You have a nice shouting voice!") Run after them? Bent over and given them a proper show? There are so many options to a Drive-by 'Glorious Ass'-ing and and I really want to be prepared for the next one.



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