My Lunna and Me
Lunna and I have both been so busy lately that we haven't had much time to hang out. So we decided to take a few days off of work and spend some time together, just the two of us. And finally we got outside of the house with one another for a change!
It really ended up being some special times. Luckily we hired our own photographer to capture the memories.
Opening Day to see the Washington Nationals!
We enjoyed the nation's pastime while enjoying our own pastime of sitting and eating hot dogs...together. Lunna laughed at me when I got mustard on my nose. How embarrassing!
Lunna loves Disney movies so I bought her tickets to Disney On Ice: Lion King.
The costumes were beautiful. Unfortunately, Chia Scooby snuck in with us and I got a little angry; we could have all been kicked out! Lunna is always so good at calming me down though. I've gotta watch my temper.
A few years ago, Lunna came out of the "living room," so to speak. You go girl, be proud of who you are! Well, this year thanks to the timing I had the honor of joining her and her pals in the Capitol Pride march. Boy was that fun. What a bunch of crazy gals!
You probably can't read it in the photo, but my shirt says, "Corduroy is gay." And now Lunna is reupholstering herself in rainbow corduroy. I guess I'll have to buy a more colorful rug for the apartment to match.
And finally we tried to stay up all night outside the big, scary Scottish Rite building.
Lunna really knows how to tell a good ghost story. It's a wonder I ever got to sleep. Who am I kidding, it's no wonder. Lunna is so comfy!
On the last day of our adventures together, Lunna surprised me with this t-shirt she had made for me.*

* — Lunna had a little help on the shirt from her friends at Current Configuration, R Design and some unnamed sources.
Labels: chia scooby, lunna, washington dc
Wow! Thoze picz sure made me wanna take a vacation with my lovely Chairie! ...but she iz go'n thru a major depression & don't feel like leave'n the house at all right now :(
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