Chipotle Lovers of the World, Unite
Chipotle Lovers, it is here: Go and share your Chipotle love.
Labels: food
Writing about bathrooms, balding, my chair and other random obsessions. And always working to get Optimus Prime elected to something.
Labels: food
Labels: food, restaurant firsts
On July 4th I was watching The Weather Channel to find out what might be in store for me before my friends and I headed out to enjoy our share of barbecue and fireworks. The normal slew of colorful maps and boring meteorologists came across my screen. But I got the information I wanted so I was satisfied. Over the years I have learned to accept boring and bland from my weather broadcasters. But now, thanks to you, I know I can expect more.
Stephanie, you came on to the screen and weather broadcasting as I knew it changed forever. Your cheery voice and bright smile brought a new light to my TV screen that I had not seen for quite some time. You informed me of the weather in such a manner that let me know you cared. I knew that you wanted me to get my weather news but you also wanted me to enjoy it.
However, I have no idea what you said because I was really distracted by your cleavage. It was unbelievable. And I'm not alone Stephanie - my roommate and his bride-to-be were also extremely distracted. It has been over 24 hours and we are still discussing your cleavage.
So if you could email me a schedule of your future appearances on The Weather Channel, that would be a big help to me and the fan club I intend to start. But I swear, no matter what I say, I really do respect you for your weather knowledge.
Adam Gerard
President and Founder of the Stephanie Abrams, "Weather Channel Goddess," Fan Club.
UPDATE: The fan club is now defunct. After struggling to keep it going for 2 months I realized it was becoming more of a full time job than my actual full time job. It will be sad to no longer get the daily phone message updates from Stephanie that I was passing along to all of you and we unfortunately won't get to see a sneak preview of her Playboy photo shoot. But know that you fans out there are not alone. If there is one thing I learned from this fan club experiment it is that there are a lot of you out there and though many of you are kind of sick and perverted, most of you have a good heart and appreciate Stephanie for both her good looks AND her weather knowledge. So fans, keep the love alive and Stephanie, keep giving us the weather like nobody else can.
UPDATE 2: Just to clarify, this is all a joke. But if you would like to learn more about Ms. Abrams, The Palm Beach Post ran a great bio about her in September 2006. That contains more information about her than I could ever tell you.
Labels: holidays