During the winter when walking around with my iPod I could keep my hands free by carrying the device conveniently inside a roomy winter coat pocket. But I knew when summer came things would be a bit different — less clothes means less pockets, all if which aren't nearly as roomy as a coat's pocket. What's a boy to do? How am I supposed to walk hands free?
Luckily I discovered the convenience of a front pocket on my button down shirts. Man that thing comes in handy. And the material is so thin that I can often make adjustments to tracks and volume without even taking the iPod out of the pocket. However, I have noticed that when adjusting the volume, because of the placement of the pocket right over my nipple, things can look a little inappropriate. I don't know. What do you think?

Yeah, it's a close call, I agree. But it got me thinking: Are there other places I can hold my iPod that might not be quite so obscene? Well, let's find out:

Well, that's not so terrible. It's a bit inconvenient because I have to reach down deep into the pocket to adjust the volume, but no one would gasp at me digging down there. But let's see if there might be a more convenient option.

Oh how I wish this were possible, but it seems the fresh ROOS pocket isn't quite big enough for my iPod. Maybe if I had an iPod mini, or better yet, a Shuffle. But alas, it was not meant to be.
Oh, what about the back pocket of my jeans? As long as I'm careful not to sit down on the thing, this could work great! A convenient reach; it won't weigh me down too much — it really sounds perfect. But would my mother approve of the iPod placement?

Hmm? I'm not so sure. Maybe I should move on.

No. In fact, I think God might actually smite me for even thinking about this option.
I think I'm all out of options. And what have we learned from this little experiment? Well, not much because I still don't know the best way to carry my iPod during the summer and now I'm thinking that I shouldn't even listen to my iPod when I'm in the presence of children.
Labels: ipod